Medical Articles
Acupuncture & Pain
Most people experience significant pain at some time in their lives—whether from injury, illness, or an unknown cause. Pain is a warning signal, an alarm that goes off when your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong and out of balance.
Often, people suffering from pain try to cover it up, either by ignoring the pain or taking medication. However, treated in this way, the source of the pain will never completely go away. It’s like hitting the snooze button on an alarm. Unless the cause of the pain is treated, your body will keep sounding the alarm and reminding you that something is wrong. Eventually, the pain may get worse or become chronic.
What can you do?
No one should have to live with pain. But what treatment is right for you?
One approach is to get plenty of bed rest in hopes that the pain will just disappear. This may help for a while, but could possibly delay recovery and make the problem worse.
Another choice is to take medication that dulls the pain for a short period of time. This is understandable when pain is constant and unbearable. It may be helpful, but it won’t get at the root of the problem and correct it. Also, many medications may cause unwanted side effects and further compromise your health.
Surgery may be another option. At times, this approach may make sense, but it could be both expensive and risky, and there is no guarantee that it will be effective.
Acupuncture is a time-tested, safe, effective, natural and drug-free way to eliminate pain. Unlike other methods for handling pain, there are no side effects. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledge the benefits of acupuncture in treating and eliminating pain due to a wide range of causes.
Most people experience significant pain at some time in their lives—whether from injury, illness, or an unknown cause. Pain is a warning signal, an alarm that goes off when your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong and out of balance.
Often, people suffering from pain try to cover it up, either by ignoring the pain or taking medication. However, treated in this way, the source of the pain will never completely go away. It’s like hitting the snooze button on an alarm. Unless the cause of the pain is treated, your body will keep sounding the alarm and reminding you that something is wrong. Eventually, the pain may get worse or become chronic.
What can you do?
No one should have to live with pain. But what treatment is right for you?
One approach is to get plenty of bed rest in hopes that the pain will just disappear. This may help for a while, but could possibly delay recovery and make the problem worse.
Another choice is to take medication that dulls the pain for a short period of time. This is understandable when pain is constant and unbearable. It may be helpful, but it won’t get at the root of the problem and correct it. Also, many medications may cause unwanted side effects and further compromise your health.
Surgery may be another option. At times, this approach may make sense, but it could be both expensive and risky, and there is no guarantee that it will be effective.
Acupuncture is a time-tested, safe, effective, natural and drug-free way to eliminate pain. Unlike other methods for handling pain, there are no side effects. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledge the benefits of acupuncture in treating and eliminating pain due to a wide range of causes.