Tampa Bay Wellness Magazine
Of course my daughter would not be here without his crucial contribution, but I truly believe acupuncture not only helped me get pregnant the first time we really "tried," but as I continued treatment throughout pregnancy, I was amazed that I didn't have any of the common pregnancy side effects including morning sickness, swollen ankles or extreme fatigue.
Trust me, I don't have Wonder Woman genes. I thought pregnancy automatically came with those issues. As a former TV investigative reporter--I'm naturally skeptical--but curious enough to give acupuncture a try.

How Acupuncture Got Me Pregnant.
By 10 News Anchor Heather Van Nest
Of course my daughter would not be here without his crucial contribution, but I truly believe acupuncture not only helped me get pregnant the first time we really "tried," but as I continued treatment throughout pregnancy, I was amazed that I didn't have any of the common pregnancy side effects including morning sickness, swollen ankles or extreme fatigue.
Trust me, I don't have Wonder Woman genes. I thought pregnancy automatically came with those issues. As a former TV investigative reporter--I'm naturally skeptical--but curious enough to give acupuncture a try.