I went to Carolyn on February 17, 2011 at the age of 33. I was full of frustration and disappointment from trying to conceive for 8 years. We tried Clomid and IUI a number of times, nothing worked. My Mom and sister-in-law both told me to try acupuncture because they saw a special on TV about Carolyn. For 5 years we passed Carolyn’s office to and from work every day and never thought to try it. We finally called for a consult and started treatment right away. Between the acupuncture, herbs and cutting caffeine and chocolate out of my diet I was feeling more energized and just better health wise. I was lucky in that ,after 2 months of acupuncture once a week and taking all the herbs, I became pregnant! I am now 21 weeks, due November 24th and expecting a Baby Boy J. My husband and I don’t know how to thank you for such a wonderful gift. It is truly the best gift anyone can get.
Love, Martha & Julio