I am a 33 year old female who had been taking birth control for the past 12 years. In October 2009, my husband and I decided we wanted to begin trying to start our family. After not getting my period for three months after stopping the pill, I went to my doctor to make sure everything was ok. At that point I began having some pain in my right side, my doctor told me I had some cysts and he diagnosed me with PCOS. (Later I learned that I do not have PCOS.) He prescribed me Clomid to help me ovulate and also gave me a medication to start my period. Five rounds of Clomid later we were not pregnant. At this point a friend had suggested I look into acupuncture. I had never thought about this until she brought it to my attention. I began to research this online and came across Carolyn's website. After talking to my husband we decided this was something we wanted to try. My first session with Carolyn was the beginning of September 2010.
Carolyn went through my diet, history and lifestyle in detail. I began to make adjustments to my diet by cutting out caffeine, alcohol and incorporating different foods into my diet. I also started taking a few herbs she recommended. (I was hesitant at first to take the herbs.) After just a few weeks with her I fell pregnant for the first time. Unfortunately, shortly after learning we were pregnant I miscarried. A couple of months later on Christmas day I got my period on my own for the first time after stopping the birth control over a year prior! My next cycle was perfect and then I fell pregnant again in February. This pregnancy too ended up being a non-viable pregnancy. We were devastated. As a result I ended up having to have a D&C in April 2011. After not getting a period for three months after the D&C the doctor ran tests that showed there was still fetal material in my uterus. I ended up having to have a second D&C in August 2011. The doctor also wanted to check to make sure my fallopian tubes were open so she also performed a laparoscopic tubal patency dye study at the same time. They were able to complete the D&C and the dye study revealed that both of my tubes were wide open. This was a very hard time and seemed so unfair. I got through it all from the love and strength of my husband, family, and friends. Once recovered from this, Carolyn talked to me about trying liquid herbs. She collaborated with an herbal pharmacist in New York. After reviewing my case they created a liquid herbal concoction that I drank twice a day for approximately two months. My periods began to be healthier and brighter. We fell pregnant naturally for the third time on my third cycle after the second D&C! We found out we were pregnant again on December 1, 2011. I am now 16 weeks pregnant with IDENTICAL TWIN GIRLS! We could not be happier. Everything is going great! The doctors plan to keep a close watch on myself and the babies as twins are considered "high risk", but to this point the babies appear to be strong and healthy.
Throughout all of this I continued going to acupuncture weekly, sometimes twice a week. Carolyn and her work not only helped to get my physical body in order but also helped me to process the emotions involved in this journey. Letting go of things we cannot control and knowing that things happen for a reason. Through all of the ups and downs acupuncture helped to facilitate a peace in me, and I feel facilitated my falling pregnant. I cannot thank Carolyn enough for her care.
So here we are expecting two babies this summer! Life is good!
- KP
KP is my first woman to conceive Identical Twins and after a year and a half
of what seemed like forever, she was thrilled to discover she was pregnant!
Her family, friends and I had all been praying as KP had also worked with
me patiently the longest; a year and four months long. She realized God
had blessed her this time for real and the third time was a charm but she
told me she never would have dreamed she would have had twins not ever had
she fathomed that one. The wait was worth it and God blessed her twice for
her patience I said.
My Love to you, your husband and your family KP