Oriental Medicine

The basic concept of Oriental medicine and life is the Yin and Yang. Every aspect of life can be divided indefinitely into Yin and Yang. Yin, for example, is cool; Yang is hot. Yin is female, dark, wet; Yang is male, bright, dry.
These polar opposites have what is called Qi (pronounced chee), which is the life force or energy. Yin Qi and Yang Qi exist within our bodies. Qi is spent during living and working, and is replenished by food and air. Qi moves in our bodies along meridians or pathways that resemble blood vessels, except they cannot be seen.
According to the Chinese, disease is an imbalance of Qi, or energy in the body, along these pathways. Stimulation of acupuncture points is based on balancing the Qi within the body. This restores our natural balance of energy, and the body thus heals itself.
Acupuncture is just one small part of Oriental medicine. Herbs, food, exercise, moxibustion, meditation and massage also comprise this 3000 year old healing art. Oriental medicine is an integrated holistic form of healthcare, which seeks to help the individual restore his or her own balance of health without negative side-effects. This approach encourages and assists individuals in taking responsibility for their own health and well-being.
Acupuncture | Herbs | Massage | Oriental Medicine